14 August 2010

The Perfect Poem

A perfect poem is impossible. Once it had been written, the world would end.
Robert Graves

13 August 2010

In Praise of the Short Break

Just returned from a four-day escape to beautiful Cradle Mountain in Tasmania. The first time we went was this time in 2005, and it snowed. Not quite that lucky this time, but still a good way to escape - the fact that we had been there before was a big part of the appeal.

There is a lot to be said, too, for taking that short break out of range of a phone signal, for taking walks among the hauntingly majestic King Billy pines and around Dove Lake, spending hours in the spa, and consuming some wonderful food, cheese and Tasmanian wine, particularly from these labels: 

02 August 2010


The snow doesn’t give a soft white damn whom it touches.
ee cummings